5% REFERRAL FUTURE RENT DISCOUNT: Refer a New Renter, ask them to mention you before booking. Book within a year to redeem your discount.
-No smoking (offenders are subject to immediate removal), or candles, or incense, or any lighted flames in the rooms or anywhere in the building.
-All materials brought or installed in the space must be non-flammable, flame retardant and code compliant (including any soundproofing, foam, wall-covering, carpeting).
-Garbage Disposal is your responsibility; no garbage or property may be left in hallways or in front of the building; penalties may result. Garbage must be placed in black trash bags (Recycling in clear bags) and placed in designated trash areas. Recycling: Cardboard (TiedUp) & SingleStream (bottles, Cans, plastic, aluminum). Any items that do not fit in trash bags must be removed (by you) away from the space (not left on curb). If a ticket results from your items being improperly left, you will be responsible.
-Light bulbs and basic maintenance within your space are your responsibility; use a surge protector for all electronics.
-De/humidifiers and heaters (must be electric and non-combustible and must have auto-timer turnoff) are permitted. Heaters must always be turned off except when someone is in the room.
-Air Conditioners are not allowed without prior permission.
-Windows may not be opened for security reasons. No playing or rehearsing with doors (or windows) open.
-Individual internet service is allowed provided installation does not damage premises (prior written approval required).
–Shelves/Alterations*: You may construct shelves and/or additional soundproofing. No nails may be used. Use screw anchors and fasten fixtures to studs (every 16in) to avoid damaging walls (masonry anchors if going into masonry). Sprinkler heads (normally round white discs on the ceilings) and HVAC vents may not be obstructed in any way; no item or object may be constructed or stored within 12 inches of any sprinkler head or HVAC vent. *Construction of any partitions or booths requires prior written approval from management; such additions must be removed before departure and will require separate RestorationDeposit before construction. Any Fixtures (including shelves, doors, fixed soundproofing, thickened walls, flooring (except carpets), electrical upgrades, fixed improvements) may not be removed & must be left in place when you leave (you may also leave up any soft soundproofing)*. Any replaced items (original lock/door etc) must be shown & given to Super. Read Policy before doing any improvements. You may hire a Super or a licensed contractor.
RENT (pay rent)(payments FAQ)
-2-Month Deposit plus (prorated) 1stMoRent are due on booking (except ShortStay/LongStay). Bookings not paid within 12h are cancelled.
-Rent/deposits are paid *only* at RENT (DO NOT PAY USING PAYPAL APP/SITE)
-Rent is always due on the 1st of every month without exception (including any prorated payments) and must be paid in 1 single transaction. You may pay early but not before 19th (except 1stMoRent). Our system does not retain your payment information, nor are any reminders sent, so you will need to enter your payment information each month.
-Anyone with a CC/bank card/Paypal account can make payments on your account (& you can change CC/bank card/Paypal account any time). We don’t accept cash or checks.
-All record keeping for all payments made is the renter’s sole responsibility.
-Non-standard payments (partial payments, excess payments, multiple payments, early payments, multiple-month payments and multiple room summed payments) require prior written permission from management and will add surcharges.
Late Rent=Rent not received by the 1st. *LateFee*: 3% of Rent *plus $5/day* starting the 5th for LateRent and/or any balances. If you are late more than twice, your monthly rent is raised by $25 per month. Rent (or large balances) not received by the 3rd constitutes your giving notice and will result in rental termination. VacancyDate may be altered if balances remain. Multiple latenesses or fee nonpayment will result in your being required to furnish a DamageDeposit. (Also see Penalties).
Partial Rent Deferral [REQUEST]: Qualified renters may request rent installments with interest added. If your rent is not received per schedule, failure to furnish entire balance on demand will result in your booking being terminated, with VacancyDate calculated according to Deposit Received.
Rent Raises: Rent is automatically raised every 12 months & for each new booking. Raise amounts vary per size & location, in keeping with annual building escalations. Rooms which have received no discount or adjustment are usually raised by 4-6%/yr. Rooms which have received discount/adjustment; new facilities; and rooms remaining under market rate are subject to greater raises. Discounted rooms revert after 12 months to non-discounted rate or current rate per location. Rent raise notifications are usually sent 1 month prior to the rent raise date. Per Policy, if you have not seen a *Rent Raise* email by your 12th (and 24th and 36th etc) month of rental, you are responsible for requesting this information from us before your rent raise date. You can avoid paying the raised rent by giving notice by your raise date; or by moving to any available room. (Waitlist) (Sizes & Discounts)
REINSTATE BOOKING: If your booking was terminated but you are in good standing and wish to remain: (1) Verify availability & email us (2) Submit payment of missedRentSum (add late fees unless you gave timely notice).
CREDIT: Overpayments and other rent credits may be deducted from next month’s rent or added to DepositReturn. Terminated renters: any credit is forwarded after timely MoveOut or added to DepositReturn.
CREDIT-FUTURE: Post-booking Discounts are applied as credit toward future bookings (fwd credit notice to us upon future booking).
STORAGE-ONLY: Some rooms and some locations are storage-only. Review Policy and on-site signage.
CHANGE: Change Stay Type or Location/Room of your current booking. (Add additional room).
– ROOM MOVE (No Deposit Carryover):
1. Give notice for CurrentRm. By selecting “WillLeaveEarly” you will receive prorated DepositReturn per StartDate of ReplacementRenter found by you or us.
2. Place NewRm Booking. TotalInitialPayment = 2XNewRmRent + 1stMoRent (or ShortStay/LongStay). (Match OldRm rent in NewRm to qualify for Transfer)
– ROOM TRANSFER (Deposit Carryover) to a room w/ greater rent than CurrentRm* OR if Notice Requirement was Waived via management email OR or PreBook Roomswitch* (*Or match CurrentRm Rent in NewRm to qualify; CurrentRm Rent=RaisedRent if Raised; restrictions apply.)
MOVE-IN: Add management@bandspacesnyc.com & spaces@ to your address book. Contact Us within 24h of your StartDate if LeavingRenter did not leave the room broom-clean per MoveOut Conditions. If you move in before your StartDate you will be charged prorated rent.
BOOKING PROOF: IncomingRenter must show LeavingRenter/Super PrimaryRenter Photo ID and *Replacement Renter MoveIn* Email to receive keys.
IMPROVEMENTS: Alterations/shelves/additional fixed soundproofing must be left in place when you leave and no existing shelves may be removed (you may also leave up any fireproof “soft” soundproofing if you wish. Any replaced items (original lock/door etc) must be shown & given to Super. Read Policy before doing any alterations). Soft sound baffling (acoustic/eggcrate foam etc) may be affixed to walls (using adhesive spray glue) to reduce high frequency room noise.
We require *at least* 2 months notice to leave or change rooms, with VacancyDate on the 1st. After Notice is received, you may use Deposit in lieu of paying your final 2 month’s rent (provided you are in good standing). If you leave early, you can receive a DepositReturn. There is no need to re-book or extend after 12 months (except ShortStay/LongStay). Max stay=infinite.
-MOVEOUT: Room must be left broom clean, empty with all property removed, and in MoveIn Condition. Unless otherwise notified, remove all carpets, wall coverings etc.
-KEYS: Pass all keys to IncomingRenter (if there is no ReplacementRenter, you may place in envelope in YourRm or pass to Super)
Late Moveout: Renters remaining after MoveOutDate are considered trespassing. Locks are immediately changed, property is removed and impounded or disposed of and renters are legally pursued including for all penalties and costs.
Leave Early (NormalStay only): When you give Notice, you can consent to leave before your VacancyDate. If you are willing to leave early and a ReplacementRenter *found by you or us* rents your room prior to the 2 months elapsing (*you must be prepared to vacate on any day, on 24h notice; failure to do so will result in significant penalties, property impounding and trespassing charges*), you receive a prorated DepositReturn upon request, sent within 48h after MoveOutDate (ReplacementRenter StartDate), provided you leave early per MoveOut and are in good standing and have not damaged the rooms. As we maintain waitlists, this is often the case. (Your consent to MoveOut and/or to <Leave Early> on Notice form or via email or by any other communication cannot be retracted or altered; if no EarliestDepartureDate is specified, your EarliestDepartureDate will be considered to be two full months before your VacancyDate).
-If you consent(ed) to leave before your VacancyDate (“Leave Early”) on notice form or via email or by any other communication, then per Policy: Your consent cannot be retracted. You must be prepared to moveout on 24h notice. If a ReplacementRenter *found by you or us* books CurrentRm(OldRm) before your VacancyDate you’ll receive confirmation email from us. If you Leave Early per MoveOut and are in good standing you will receive DepositReturn per ReplacementRenter StartDate. Unless and until you receive confirmation email, your DepartureDate will remain your original VacancyDate. Monitor your email closely & add add management@bandspacesnyc.com & spaces@ to your address book. You may leave at anytime before VacancyDate but *no DepositReturn will be sent unless* your room is booked by an IncomingRenter starting at least a week before your VacancyDate.
DEPOSIT RETURNS (NormalStay only) are sent after MoveOutDate, KeysCeded & 48h after DepositReturnRequest is received, provided:
1. You give Notice choosing *LeaveEarly*; AND ONE OF EITHER:
2. ReplacementRenter (found by you or us) books your room before VacancyDate (1st,8th,15th,22nd=1,.75,.5,.25/Mo); — OR —
3. Notice Requirement was waived — OR —
4. You paid rent after Notice (leaving before VacancyDate does *not* qualify).
(To revise EarliestDepartureDate earlier: give Notice again).
To receive eligible DepositReturn, complete the following 3 steps:
1. Cede <- Keys;
2. Verify <- that you Moved Out;
3. Login <- to Paypal with Primary Renter Payment Email Address & choose “Request Money” from “monthlypayments_noreply@bandspacesnyc.com”. For DepositReturn: paste Calculation & email address in Paypal>Money Request “Note”.
If your funds are not received 48h after DepositReturn request, email us.
DepositReturn Calculation: $DepositReturn = ([$Deposit/2 ie $OrigRentAmt] X #Months ReplacementRenterStartDate before LeavingRenterVacancyDate) – $RenterBalanceDue + $RentPaidAfterNotice.
FEES: 10% AC surcharge Jul & Aug applies to all renters regardless of Length of Stay or StartDate or VacancyDate or prepayment or discount type or rental status or occupancy status (per Policy). Garbage & item removal fees: $50-$400. Key/lock replacement: $30-$400 (other fees)
PENALTIES: If you vacate later than MoveOutDate 10AM, or fail to leave the room broom-clean; screws, hooks.. removed & spackled over; walls & ceiling painted white; original lock cylinder installed (loss fee: see Policy) & shelves & improvements intact (and no existing shelves may be removed); all keys returned, all garbage and property removed from premises, you will be considered Trespassing and will also be subject to penalties. Any property remaining on the premises after MoveOutDate will be removed and impounded or disposed of. Late departures will incur Late Moveout Penalty: $250 plus any of: $200 Lock-Change Fee + $200-$500 Cleanup/Storage Fee + $2000-$5000 Property Movers Fee + daily storage fee; any remaining deposit is forfeited (see Policy for all fees).
To avoid late penalties & daily storage fees & losing any of your deposit, ensure your keys are ceded & that room is restored to original condition by 10AM (at the latest) on your MoveOutDate. If you are unsure of this date, it is your responsibility to email us. *You will receive an email from bandspacesnyc.com directing you to pass keys to IncomingRenter. If you pass keys or grant access to anyone other than specified IncomingRenter, you will be held responsible for any resulting damages and any DepositReturn will be forfeited.
DamageDeposits: Renters violating Policy terms (vandalism, smoking, Nonpayment of full rent, fee nonpayment, multiple latenesses, etc) will have their bookings cancelled or terminated. In cases where the booking is Reinstated, a DamageDeposit must be furnished. DamageDeposits are returned at rental completion, provided no further verified reports of violating activities. DamageDeposit is unrelated to original 2-Month Deposit (which remains returnable) and is unrelated to other DamageDeposits (if any), which remain returnable provided no further violations related to the corresponding DamageDeposit.